District Projects
In 2025, Crestview will be replacing aging water mains in the streets of 66th avenue from Lowell Blvd. west to Tennyson Street including the cul-de-sacs of Newton Court, Osceola Court, Perry Court, Quitman Court, Raleigh Court and Stuart Court.
Crestview is also planning on replacing the aging water main in 74th avenue from Zuni Street east to 73rd Place.
In the second half of 2025, Crestview's pipeline replacement team will begin pre-construction preparations to replace the aging water mains in the streets of Lipan street from 70th place north to 71st place, Masey Street from 70th place north to 72nd avenue, Kalamath street from 70th place north to 72nd avenue, and 70th place from Lipan street east to Huron street.
Crestview will be performing sanitary sewer main rehabilitations by means of Cured In Place Pipe and also lining up to thirty manholes.
Have a safe 2025.
1. Locating and hydro-excavating to verify existing utilities.
2. Saw cutting the street for the new water main to be installed.
3. Installing the new water main. (involves digging up the street and temporary water outages. Crestview will hang door tags 24 hours in advance of any planned water outages.)
4. Water quality testing will be performed after installation of new water mains.
5. Transferring the water services from the old main to the new main. (involves digging up parts of the street)
6. Asphalt milling the street over the construction area.
7. Concrete replacement as needed and asphalt overlay.
There are two reasons Crestview Water crews work on underground pipes in the street near your home or business: Emergencies, such as a broken water main in the street, or scheduled work, such as a pipe replacement project.
But once on-site, one big challenge Crestview Water’s crews face is dealing with the speed bumps that lie ahead — metaphorically, not literally — such as traffic and customer impacts, finding buried utility lines and even coping with the weather.

A major concern we hear from Crestview Water customers during long-term, scheduled projects revolves around where we place our equipment while the work is underway.
So here’s some insight into our processes, and the decisions that go into where to stage our equipment.
But first, we understand your frustration.
Crestview Water employees live and work in the metro area. We see construction on a daily basis and have experienced the growth our cities and state have had in recent years.
This is why Crestview Water is committed to being a good neighbor. We aim to complete projects as quickly and efficiently as possible while effectively communicating with the surrounding community and minimizing impacts.
There are variables to every situation, but we try to stay out of the way as much as possible and not be in front of someone’s residence or business.
Pipe replacement projects are scheduled throughout the year and prioritized based on a variety of factors, including the material of the pipe, the operating pressure of the main water lines in the area, the type of soil, how old the pipe is and other data.
Another factor that could move a replacement project up on the priority list is having several breaks in the water lines in one area during a short period of time.
When projects are scheduled, Crestview Water crews will post a notification on customers’ front doors before the project starts.
Also, customers will always be notified in advance if it is necessary to temporarily turn off their water during the project.

Once our equipment arrives at the site, the crew supervisor selects a staging location, taking into consideration the safety of the public and the crew, the amount and size of the equipment, weather conditions and impacts to pedestrians, parking areas, traffic, businesses, schools and homes.
When we get into some neighborhoods, streets can be very narrow, with limited parking and knowing we have customers who go to work, who have to drop off kids at school and need to get in and out of their neighborhood, we want to make sure we get the job done and keep everyone safe.
Due to jurisdictional requirements and our desire to keep traffic moving as efficiently as possible, there are a limited number of areas where equipment can be stored.
Some of our largest pieces of equipment, like loaders and dump trucks, are used to dig and install a new water line. These large items will most likely be parked along the street after working hours.
Depending on their size, the pieces of pipe will be placed next to the curb.
Trailers used by the crew or for storage, as well as portable toilets, will be placed at locations where employees report for work every day and stay in those locations until the project is complete.
As an organization, Crestview Water is committed to being a good neighbor by:
- Only parking vehicles critical to the project in the area of the project.
- Positioning vehicles so that they do not cause a safety hazard for drivers or pedestrians.
- Working to maintain clear driveway access for properties in the project area.
- Using the areas where equipment is stored as effectively as possible.
- Limiting heavy equipment use and construction noise to work hours.